Frequently Asked Questions


Shipping is initiated by KK Transport upon receipt of payment from the buyer.

In accordance with the terms outlined in the contract, if the buyer rejects the merchandise, the return shipping will be at no cost.

The payment will be deposited into our account. The buyer is required to submit their payment within 24 hours of receiving the invoice.

There are many reasons to use a car transport company, including:

  • Cost savings
  • Convenience
  • Vehicle protection
  • Reduced mileage

The Inspection Period is a designated timeframe mutually agreed upon by both parties, during which the buyer may evaluate the merchandise upon receipt. This period can range from 1 to 30 days and must be established by all parties at the outset of the transaction. The Inspection Period commences when the buyer receives the item. During this time, the buyer is required to either accept or reject the goods. It is vital for both buyers and sellers to ensure that the Inspection Period allows sufficient time for any necessary authentication or appraisal processes that may be required to complete the transaction.

With KK Transport, each phase of your transaction is meticulously verified through established tracking and verification procedures. KK Transport not only manages the shipping of merchandise but also monitors its delivery. The seller receives payment only after the buyer accepts the merchandise or the designated inspection period concludes.

If, by any reason, the item does not pass the buyer’s inspection, it will be returned to the seller, on the seller’s expense and the funds will be returned to the buyer in full in within 24 hours.

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